According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, certainty is the quality or state of being certain especially on the basis of evidence. It is a fact about which there is no doubt. But the thing is, is it ever possible to be absolutely certain about something? If we think about it, even the things we were taught from the beginning has it's own uncertainty. Also, the things we use to measure has uncertainties. Science itself even has uncertainties. So can we really be a hundred percent sure about something?
I have heard lots of people saying that nothing has an absolute certainty because nothing is permanent in this world. That everything in nature is just temporary and has it's end. And I do agree with that but not the part where nothing has an absolute certainty because based on that reasoning, I realized that the two things we all can be certain of is change and death. We all can argue about how sure we are about a certain topic but we can never deny the fact that change is always happening and it will never stop. The same with death, we all are certain that everybody will die at some point in our lives.

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